How do I schedule a ride?
Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM to schedule trips. All rides must be booked 24 to 48 hours (depending on the program that you are eligible to use) and before 4:30 PM before the day the ride is needed. When you call, we will need to know the name of the eligible passenger, the name and address of the pick-up and destination, the date of the trip, the number of people traveling, any special needs regarding mobility (for example if the client will be using a wheelchair or walker), the appointment time (if you are travelling to an appointment), and any special instructions, such as a specific building or door where you will be waiting.
When will my ride arrive?
Our on time pick up window is ten (10) minutes before or up to twenty (20) minutes after your scheduled pick up time. Please be ready to board the vehicle within five (5) minutes of its arrival within this pick up window.
How do I cancel a ride?
Please call our office at 802-878-1527 to cancel a ride. If you are calling outside of our normal business hours, please leave a message stating the name of the passenger, the date of the ride, the scheduled time, and the pick-up and destination of the ride to be cancelled. Trips must be cancelled at least 2 hours before the scheduled pick-up time when ever possible.
How can I purchase punch tickets, pay a past due balance, or make a donation?
For your convenience we now accept credit card payments, as well as cash, money orders, and personal checks. Please contact our office during normal business hours for more information, or to make a payment
What if I don’t see my question answered here?
Please call us during our normal business hours! Our friendly customer service representatives will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Our phone number 802-878-1527