We’re on our way

Providing Vermonters in Chittenden County with specialized, accessible transportation since 1982.

We’re ready when you are.

At SSTA, we do more than just pick up and drop off customers.

We deliver peace of mind.

When you ride with us, you’ll feel safe and taken care of so you can focus on the important things in your life.

Whether that’s getting to a doctor’s appointment, picking up groceries, or spending time with a loved one, we’ll get you where you need to be.

a grandfather holding up a baby and smiling
a smiling face with a gradient arrow in the top left


As a nonprofit agency serving the community, we take great pride in assisting individuals with a wide-range of transportation needs including:

  • Specialized Mobility Needs

  • Physical or Mental Disabilities

  • Contract Private Services

a smiling face with a gradient arrow in the top left


Are you looking for a fulfilling career that provides essential support to others? Working at SSTA, you’ll be part of a community-based organization making a difference in peoples lives in Chittenden County.


SSTA staff in front of the fleet of vehicles

Meet our team of dedicated professionals providing best in class service for over 40 years!